How to download Facebook Group All Photos At Once

How to download Facebook Group All Photos At Once

Facebook is a Treasure of photos and videos of multiple users . so if you want a download a facebook group all photos at once , so here's how to download Photos on your computer .

We'll show you the third party chrome extension method . Allowing you to download any facebook group photos At once.

#Step 1 - 
  • Add DownAlbum chrome extension on your Chrome browser -
          Link -  Down Album Chrome Extension


#Step 2-  Go to your facebook group page - 

click on DownAlbum Chrome extension which is showing on the  top right corner  of the browser.


and then click  Normal    button . after clicking normal button group's all images are are loading and downloading internally .once the loading is completed a new Tab will opens automatically into browser where all images of group are showing.

if group have lots of images , and you only want some images so you Check stop checkbox button . 
then browsers featch facebook group images and showing all images into new Tab.

Numbers showing after Loading  text is the total number of  images you are selecting for downloading. 

#step 3 - 

on this  Tab you  can simply save page  - 
Shortcut  - CTRL + S

Click into Save Button  and all photos will be saved into your computer. 

*make sure your you selected Webpage,Complete option into save file Pop-Up window .


  if you face any kind of problem in this tutorial - Comment down below.

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