Downlaod Google Keyboard 5.1 With New Features

Downlaod Google Keyboard 5.1 With New Features

Hello friends ! today i am sharing latest and usefull trick about android google keyboard.lots of keyboard on playstore but google keyboard is awesome and fast.google last update of his keyboard version  is 5.0 . Next android  N version is 7.0.1 this version comes with google keybaord 5.1 . Google doesnt launch his new version keyboard offcially . But we can download and use his keyboard unofficially. google keyboard 5.1 is'nt avilable on Playstore.

Google Keybaord 5.1 New Features :-

#1 - Themes - 

The main addition here is the presence of themes. You can choose from a bunch of solid color themes for the keyboard. you can also set custom image backgroud.


#2 - One handed Mode -

you can set left or right hand mode by long pressing Emoji Icon


#3-New Emoji -

Added some new attrective and awesome emojies.

#4- Languages-

This keybaord support almost all languages.

Download Google Keybaord 5.1 -  Link

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